Νόµιµοι όροι/GDPR

Legal terms/GDPR

Welcome to the website www.plastiras1955.gr. Please read carefully the following conditions which constitute the conditions for accessing this website. This website is a promotion and extension of the salon as well as a means of expression on the internet. All of its content is available without any charge or obligation to its audience. It belongs entirely to the Plastiras 1955 salon.

Every visitor to the website must, before visiting or using the pages, read and carefully study the terms that follow. In case of disagreement, he must not use them. Otherwise, it is assumed that he expressly and unconditionally accepts these terms of use and gives his consent to them. The following terms apply to the entire content of the website. This website belongs to the company Plastiras 1955 which may be called "beneficiary" in some places of the text. By the word "users" we refer to and mean the visitors of this website.

General Terms of Use

This website constantly makes the maximum possible effort, so that the information and all of its content - present and future - are characteristic for their maximum accuracy, clarity, completeness, and correctness. Under no circumstances whatsoever, including negligence, can the beneficiary be held liable for any damage caused to its visitor, due to the use of the website. The content listed on the website is informative, it is constantly updated and in no case can compensation be requested for any direct or indirect damage or loss caused to any user of the website from its use.

Applicable law

www.plastiras1955.gr complies with Greek Law but also with International Law, as well as with the Directives and Regulations of European Law. Therefore, in the event of disputes or disputes between it and third parties, arising from this agreement with the visitors of the website, the competent Greek Courts are responsible for resolving the dispute. As a general rule, for any potential or subsequent dispute, dispute or dispute, the national system will be responsible for adjudication or arbitration between the parties. For any matter concerning a dispute or controversy related to the internet, the general rules of Greek Civil and Criminal Procedure as well as the rules of Public and Private International Law will be applied. The beneficiary, however, reserves the right to waive this provision and to apply and/or interpret these terms in accordance with the law of the user's country, and to submit any disputes and/or to the jurisdiction of the user's country.

Links ("Links")

This website may refer to other websites in the form of links ("links") in certain parts of it. It does so in order to provide more information to its visitor or to recognize the contribution of third parties to its work. By providing links on its website, it enables its visitor to visit the website of a third partner more easily and directly. However, it bears no responsibility for the content of their websites, nor for their services, as well as for the terms of management and protection of personal data that they use. Also, the beneficiary is not able to guarantee their availability at any time. The visitor/user of the linked websites -or the links in question- are solely responsible for any problem that may arise in the event that a user visits them after being redirected from one website to another.

About Intellectual Property

The entire content of the "www.plastiras1955.gr" website, including - indicatively but not limited to - texts, information, news, graphic and graphic elements, images, photographs, logos, designs, structure, original fonts and generally any kind of files that are posted on the website in its entirety, is the subject of intellectual property and is governed by national, European and international provisions on intellectual property. All content is owned by Plastiras 1955. In case she wants to use something that does not belong to her, it will always be accompanied by a relevant reference with the name of the owner of its rights. Accordingly, it is expressly prohibited to reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, broadcast, publish, adapt, modify, perform, download, translate, publish, modify in any way, part or all of website, without the express prior written consent of its owner.

Storage and Use of Content

The limited storage and copying of parts of the content of the website www.plastiras1955.gr is an exception to the rule. Of course, this must be done on a personal computer and intended for strictly personal use, without any intention of commercial exploitation of the parts that have been copied. In case of using a small part of the website as a short reference (e.g. use of a number of words from one sentence, in quotation marks and as a reference, which in total does not exceed a quarter of the total text) the source must be clearly indicated of this section, as well as an explicit reference to the name of the website of its origin as well as its author. This limited use is not, however - and in any case - synonymous with granting the intellectual property of the part used by Plastiras 1955.  Anything else that is published on the "www.plastiras1955.gr" web pages and is a product of the intellectual property of a third party, is the responsibility of its owner. Any violation of the above is strictly punishable by law with criminal and civil penalties. The same rules apply and apply in the same way to all future creations that will be published in the future on this website, and which will be protected by the "Copyright-All rights reserved" reference at the bottom of this website.

Import of third party/third party content

No visitor has the right to insert, or replace by any means whatsoever, content on the "www.plastiras1955.gr" website, which may modify the content or even the appearance of the website, or the data published on it, or that could change its structure or the creations exposed in it. If you wish to receive more information about the content of this website, or to point something out to us, you can contact us at the following address: contact@plastiras1955.gr and we will be very happy to satisfy your request as soon as possible.

GDPR & Personal data

If while browsing www.plastiras1955.gr, you do not fill in a form with your details, then you are browsing it anonymously. "Personal data" is defined as that which allows the identification of a specific person. Any information that allows the identification of a person, or that allows communication with him, that is, finding the owner of this data. This information may be - including, but not limited to - first name, last name, an email address, a physical address, or any other contact information. As long as you browse the website anonymously, no such information is collected. However, if you request any information or any service through the forms available on the Appointment page of www.plastiras1955.gr, you will be asked to provide personal information by filling out the forms. This information is used exclusively by the Plastiras 1955 team, to better serve you, better communicate with you, and to be able to provide you with the best possible information and service. You reserve the right to ask us to access your personal information, as well as to ask us to delete it or to correct/amend it.
Barring force majeure, your requests will be answered within the next 48 hours from your written request. To make a request, you can contact contact@plastiras1955.gr. We are committed to never sharing, distributing, printing, disclosing, communicating any of your personal data to third parties, or partners. All personal data collected through this website will be used exclusively by Plastiras 1955 in the context of the service it provides you.

No personal customer information is sold or given away. Please note that the services provided on this website require us to know some things about our customers so that we can help them in the best possible way.
Plastiras 1955's interactions with its customers will be in consultation with them. You will be asked to voluntarily provide information that allows you to be identified, which is your identifier. For any dispute and controversy that may arise, the courts of Greece are competent, since that is where the seat of Plastiras 1955 is located.